The Phoenix AKARAMA Foundation in partnership with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Delta Beta Omega Chapter is pleased to announce its scholarship program for 2025. Over the years, we have awarded scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 to deserving students. Our mission is to provide service to all mankind by volunteering our time and resources to multifaceted programs that address education, health and wellness, as well as issues of national and international concern.

More about Scholarship
Applications for scholarships are now being accepted for qualified students who:
Are graduating high school seniors entering a four-year college or university OR are community college students transferring to a four-year college or university.
Have a minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.0 on a 4.0.
Are interested in careers in education (for the Dr. Peggy L. Payne Memorial Scholarship only).
If you have any questions, please email the Scholarship Committee.
Application Information
PLEASE NOTE: The application and all supporting materials must be submitted online by the MARCH 28, 2025 deadline.
Supporting Materials
A cover letter and resume that details your school and community leadership and/or involvement
A social media biography of 150 characters or less
A photograph (no selfies) not larger than 4x6
A double spaced essay with your name in the upper left-hand corner (topic information listed below)
Two letters of recommendation. One (1) from a teacher, guidance counselor and/or extracurricular advisor AND one (1) from a person in the community (ie. pastor or employer)
An unofficial transcript from the registrar's office, indicating class rank, grand point average, SAT or ACT scores are optional, but can be submitted if available (additional information listed below)
Additional typed sheets to specific questions within the application with your name in the upper left-hand corner
Notes from the Scholarship Committee
Unofficial transcripts will be uploaded with your application. Official transcripts will be requested if awarded. Please follow-up with your school guidance counselor regarding your campus process. We are in unprecedented times and need to support all students looking to pursue higher education and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated will continue to do so. If this date needs to change we will post a notification.
Essay Topic for the General Scholarship - "A College Education: My Key To The Future"
Essay Topic for the Peggy L. Payne Memorial Scholarship - "A College Education: My Key To The Future For Careers As An American Educator"
Gather all of the information and details BEFORE beginning the application process so that it can be done in one session.
Save each document as a PDF with your full name and topic (example: FirstNameLastName_CoverLetter)
The 2025 Scholarship Application is NOW AVAILABLE.
Any supporting documentation (ie. official transcript) that needs to be sent via U.S. Mail should be sent to the attention of
the Phoenix AKARAMA Foundation Scholarship Committee,
P.O. Box 64971, Phoenix, Arizona 85082